The Trustees

The Trustees are private individuals who give their time freely to administer the Trust.

Some of the Trustees have worked in the HSC for many years and their knowledge and expertise is invaluable to those Trustees who have had no previous connection with the Health Services.

If you feel that you would like to join the Board of Trustees then please do not hesitate to contact one of the present Trustees to find out more about what being a Trustee entails.

Chair Advocate Pauline Allen

Adv Allen was invited to join the Board of Trustees when the GHSCT was set up in 2001. She took over the position of Chairperson in 2008. Adv Allen has recently retired from working full-time in private practice.

Adv Allen has been involved with several charities in the past including Options, the Association of Guernsey Charities and the Friends of Les Bourgs and she is still a Trustee of Relate.

Peter Tranter

Peter has recently retired from full-time work as a conveyancing clerk. He has been involved in many charities including the establishment of Styx and is still a member of the Vale Rec Committee.

Jurat Terry Snell

Terry is a local businessman who now spends some of his time administering justice in the courts. He is also involved with the Guernsey French society.

Jo Grimshaw

Jo will be remembered from her time as sister of Frossard ward until she retired from full-time work. She has spent time in Burma, South Sudan and the Dafur region of North Sudan helping to set up and manage health programmes and in 2015 she was in Sierra Leone, managing an ebola treatment centre, during the the ebola crisis.